The One Hundred Nights of Taps, Gettysburg program would not be possible without the support of Taps for Veterans  and notably Jari Villanueva. The noble mission at TAPS FOR VETERANS is to provide an opportunity for buglers or trumpet players to sound Taps for military veteran’s funerals and ceremonies. With the military unable to provide live buglers for every military funeral and ceremony, TAPS FOR VETERANS is assisting to help provide that much needed service. Learn more about Taps for Veterans.

Jari Villanueva, Program Music Director and Composer

Jari Villanueva has been involved with One Hundred Nights of Taps, Gettysburg for all seven years of the program. In all honesty, the program would not be if it weren’t for the dedication, talent, an unequaled knowledge Jari possesses.
At the opening ceremony in May of 2022, Jari shared his debut Fanfare for One Hundred Nights of Taps, Gettysburg at the opening ceremony.

Lincoln Fellowship of Pennsylvania is a 501(c)3 Organization
P. O. Box 3372, Gettysburg, PA  17325


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